Monday, March 17, 2008

El mundo through our eyes!

last week I met an other blogger. We have lot's of the same interests, we have the same passion for gadgets and media and we live at the other side of the world. His name is Erick Alejandro and he lives in Guatemala. After we had chatted via messenger, we had the idea starting a blog together.

El mundo ( the world) through our eyes was born. We had so much to discuss. And because we live in two completely different worlds we never stop. "We have to because of the time zones." On this other blog we will discuss topics like: Gadgets, lifestyle, media usage and culture difference. We also made a twitter account which we will use for short updates

Have a look at this "Spanglish"Blog and let me know what you think. You will see that we write in two languages. Spanish and English. We will make a summary of each others story and react to each other. This way an enormous amount of people can be reached with this blog.

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