Saturday, October 11, 2008

Orange Aria - Grand Opening

Thursday Night

Finally the time had come. The last two days Michel Penterman has officially opened Orange Aria with a kick-off workshop and a party. In the workshop he gave an interesting presentation about New Media Developments, Crossmediafacts and other in-depht Media stories. He had some speakers which are very specialised in their sector which created a fun and diverse presentation on New Media.  

With people from RTL, Sanoma, Ilse Media, Thaesis and 538 in the room the diversity of people was very high and an interesting network opportunity. Michel asked me to do a short presentation during the workshop. 
So I did, I presented myself as a New Media User. Which type of media do I use? Why do I use those? How do I use New Media both in College and my work for Orange Aria. And what is the  "Real" story about the use of Social Networks under my age group? 

I had very good feedback and was grateful for the opportunity which Michel Penterman gave me to give my minutes in the workshop.  

After the workshop the bar opened. We had a drink an a bite to eat. During that the networking session I talked to a lot of interesting people who where very interested about my Digital Lifestyle.

 Why do I have this Blog, Twitter, Flickr, Youtube channel, Skype, MSN, 8 Different Social Networks etc.? And how do I not end up crazy with a wifi connection connected to my brains? 

Wondering what feedback Orange Aria gets =). 

For photos check The video with interviews will be posted here pretty soon. 

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

El mundo through our eyes.

Since 12 March this year Erick Alejandro and I started the blog El Mundo Through Our Eyes. "the world through our eyes".. 

I met Erick Alejandro through this blog and for about a year we now have almost daily contact. We started the blog to compare our different cultures and the use of our Digital Lifestyle. 
In the chats I had with Erick I noticed there are so many differences in use of digital media just because of the differences in culture. 

It's a fun concept but it needs some changing. We would like to expand the number of bloggers so we can make a world wide discussion panel of Bloggers just like us. Next to that we are using flickr, Twitter and our youtube channel to bring our stories to life. 

We however think that expanding the blog from two bloggers to a bigger number can create a great international network of interesting people and ofcourse discussions. 
At the moment we have contact with people from :  Honduras, Chile, Colombia, Germany and Spain. 

Feel free to drop me a line if you are interested in joining the group. 

The blog will continue in English. The quality of your english is not really important. It is mainly to have a basic language in which we can communicate and discuss. With google translator it is easy to understand the main lines of the stories we will post. 

For input or other ideas you can always contact me or Erick. 

Looking forward to hearing from you guys.